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Management Greetings

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support.
My name is Kohei Hosokawa and I have been appointed as President and Representative Director since May 1, 2021. This year, the spread of the new coronavirus infection has entered its second year, and amidst the continuing confusion, various trials and errors are still being carried out around the world. As part of our contribution to the local community, we have started to provide vaccinations at our Osaka head headquarters for employees and their families, our business partners, volunteer members of the Hirakata Corporate Complex, and nursery school teachers at nearby nurseries.
 In addition to the general remote working approach, we have also started to offer our customers the opportunity to check the status and results of tests remotely via monitors at our East and West test centres, without having to come to the site where the machines are running. We have also launched a new system that allows customers to check the status and results of their tests remotely, without having to visit the site where the machines are running. We have also launched a new system that allows customers to remotely check the status of the machine during the on-site inspection before the machine is handed over to the customer.

Against this backdrop, our results for the past year have been very strong. On a consolidated basis, orders received were 69,727 million yen, sales were 60,754 million yen, operating profit was 6,370 million yen and net profit was 4,699 million yen. Looking back, sales were at their second highest level ever, while orders received and net profit reached record highs. We feel that we have achieved this thanks to the cooperation and efforts of our shareholders, our business partners, our employees and many other stakeholders. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.
From 2022, we will finally be implementing our 17th medium-term three-year management plan. We are aware of the transition to a new normal as a result of the Corona disaster, and we are determined to make this a meaningful three-year period in which we build the foundations for sustainable growth in the new era.
Specifically, we will
(1) Strengthen group collaboration to expand our global sales network
(2) Promote business by centralising and sharing information through the digital revolution (DX)
(3) Promote application-specific marketing and product development
(4) Reform work styles and develop human resources
(5) ESG/SDGs initiatives and further contributions to society and environmental protection
With these five basic measures as the pillars, we will work harder than ever to build an organisation and internal structure that is adapted to the new era.

In addition, we expect that the newly established Pharmaceutical Measurement Division and ICT Digital Promotion Division will play an important role in this mid-term three-year management plan this year.

I would like to ask for the continued guidance and encouragement of all our stakeholders.

Representative Director, President
Chief Executive Officer
Kohei Hosokawa