
Food shortage

As the world's population grows the, per capita consumption of meat and fish continues to increase on a global scale.  On the other hand, since livestock production and aquaculture these days are financed by many times more grains and fishmeal than they produce, it is said that by 2025-30 the world's supply of protein will not be able to keep up with demand. This is known as the "protein crisis," and it is necessary to address this issue in order to achieve Sustainable Development Goal #2, "zero hunger.

In order to solve the "protein crisis," efforts to recycle food waste and replace it with vegetable protein  are increasing in popularity, New technologies for turning what cannot be used as is into powder and efficiently recovering the powdered protein are attracting attention.

For example, unused portions of fish and shellfish that are discarded during processing have high nutritional value and are  being used  as a new protein source,  however, it is  difficult to extract the edible portions,  because  the high water and oil content make them susceptible to spoilage.  Our technology offers a solution with the Drymeister which simultaneously dries and grinds products.  This machine has many advantages and is extremely cost and energy efficient.  In this way, our powder technology is used for  the development of new  and less expensive  protein sources, contributing to solving the world's food problems.