
  1. TOP
  2. Sustainability
  3. Technological contribution to a sustainable global environment
  4. Climate Change and Reduction of Carbon Emissions

Climate Change and Reduction of Carbon Emissions

CO2 Reduction Efforts

Reduction of material-derived CO2

The various powder processing machines that we manufacture are made of durable and heavy weight "steel".  By using recycled materials, it is possible to reduce CO2 emissions from the materials.  Recyled steel never degrades. We will help reduce CO2 emissions by increasing the percentage of recycled materials used in our equipment.

Reduction of equipment weight

Lowering the equipment weight of our powder equipment not only simply reduces CO2 emissions through material reduction, but also reduces CO2 emissions during transportation and disposal.  By implementing  state of the art engineering techniques, we can lower the weight of  the equipment and reduce CO2 emissions.

Efforts to reduce COemissions by utilizing different  packaging materials, etc.

NanoImpact 8

・Adopted "50% plant-derived bio-plastics" as container material
- Plant-derived bioplastics are carbon neutral.

Common in NanoImpact 8 & Eyelash serum

・Inorganic composite material "LIMEX" is used for the cosmetic packaging.  

- We have achieved a significant reduction on the environmental burden when compared to the traditional use of paper. The ): annual reduction is estimated to be approximately 40 trees and 170 tons of water

・Recycled PET 25%" is used for packaging film.
・Slimmer bottles enables postage-paid posting resulting in savings and efficiency.
- As a result of allowing the packages to be posted, the rate of re-delivery to unattended homes has been reduced, resulting in a significant reduction in fuel consumption for re-delivery.
・Adoption of recycled used paper material for shipping boxes.
・Printed with vegetable biomass ink.